Assure 2015

1 month ago 44


ASSURE 2015 has successfully concluded.


  • 2015-06-24Pippa Moore of the UK Civil Aviation Authority will give an invited keynote talk!
  • 2015-06-24: The ASSURE 2015 Program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2015 via SAFECOMP 2015.
  • 2015-06-15: ASSURE 2015 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2015. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon.
  • 2015-06-15: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. Final, camera-ready copies and the copyright form are due on June 28, 2015 June 30, 2015.
  • 2015-06-04: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed.
  • 2015-05-28: SAFECOMP 2015 has extended all workshop deadlines, including for ASSURE 2015, by another week to June 3, 2015.
  • 2015-05-19: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by a week to May 29, 2015.
  • 2015-03-13: The ASSURE 2015 call for papers, and the paper submission guidelines are now available.
  • 2015-03-12: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2015 is May 22, 2015.
  • 2015-03-05: The ASSURE 2015 website is live!


ASSURE 2015, collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2015, aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.

The main goals of the workshop are to:

  • Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems
  • Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems
  • Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases
  • Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases
  • Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development

We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadline, and guidelines.


08:00 – 09:00   Registration

09:00 – 11:00   Session 1. Keynote and Foundations

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2015 Organizers

09:10-10:00 Keynote Talk: Do We Really Want To Start From Here? Pippa Moore, UK Civil Aviation Authority

10:00-10:30 Informing Assurance Case Review through a Formal Interpretation of GSN Core Logic, Victor Bandur, and John McDermid

10:30 – 11:00 Representing Confidence in Assurance Case Evidence, Lian Duan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, Mats Heimdahl, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee

11:00 – 11:30 Morning Coffee/Tea Break

11:30-1:00 Session 2. Methodology and Patterns

11:30 – 12:00 Safe and Sec Case Patterns, Kenji Taguchi, Daisuke Souma, and Hideaki Nishihara

12:00 – 12:30 A Comprehensive Safety Lifecycle, John Knight, Jonathan Rowanhill, Anthony Aiello, and Kimberly Wasson

12:30 – 13:00 An Approach to Assure Dependability Through ArchiMate, Shuichiro Yamamoto

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30 Session 3. Tool Support and Tool Demonstrations

14:00 – 14:30 Tool Support for Assurance Case Building Blocks: Providing a Helping Hand with CAE, Kateryna Netkachova, Oleksandr Netkachov, and Robin Bloomfield

14:30 – 15:00 Safety.Lab: Model-based Domain Specific Tooling for Safety Argumentation, Daniel Ratiu, Marc Zeller, and Lennart Kilian

15:00 – 15:30 A Safety Condition Monitoring System, John Knight, Jonathan Rowanhill, and Jian Xiang

15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break

16:00 – 16:45 Session 4. Applications and Project Overviews

16:00 – 16:30 Fault Type Refinement for Assurance of Families of Platform-Based Systems, Sam Procter, John Hatcliff, Sandy Weininger, and Anura Fernando

16:30 – 16:37 Safety and Security Assurance in Railway Standards, Kenji Taguchi

16:37 – 16:45 Towards Assurance Arguments of Disaster Management Plans, Shuji Kinoshita

16:45 – 18:00 Session 5. Panel and Conclusion

16:45 – 18:00 PANEL: The Role of Argumentation in Certification and Safety Risk Management,

John Birch, JaguarLandRover / AVL;
Robin Bloomfield, Adelard and City University;
Chris Johnson, University of Glasgow;
Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University; and
Pippa Moore, UK CAA.

18:00 Conclusion and Wrap-Up, ASSURE 2015 Organizers

Important Dates

Workshop Papers DueJune 3, 2015 Now Closed
Notification of AcceptanceJune 15, 2015
Camera-ready Copies DueJune 28, 2015 June 30, 2015
ASSURE 2015 WorkshopSeptember 22, 2015
SAFECOMP 2015September 22 – 25, 2015

Call For Papers

Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 670. FAA operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.

The goals of the 2015 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2015) are to:

  • explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems;
  • examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems;
  • identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases;
  • investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and,
  • identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development.

We solicit high-quality contributions: researchpracticetools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.

Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps.
  • Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations.
  • Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases?
  • Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm?
  • Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases.
  • Application of formal techniques to create and analyze arguments.
  • Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems.
  • Assurance issues in emerging computational paradigms, e.g., cloud, mobile, virtual, many-core architectures, and adaptive and autonomous systems.
  • Modeling and Metamodeling: Representation of structured arguments through metamodels, such as OMG’s Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM).
  • Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves.
  • Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power.
  • Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures.
  • Connections between the Goal Structuring Notation for assurance cases, and goal-orientation from the requirements engineering community.


Paper submission is now closed.

Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the SAFECOMP 2015 Workshop Proceedings, to be published by Springer, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. Authors of the best papers may be invited to submit an extended version for publication in a special journal issue (tentative).

  1. All papers must be original work not published, or in submission, elsewhere.
  2. All papers should be submitted only in PDF. Please verify that papers can be reliably printed and/or viewed on screen before submitting.
  3. Papers should conform to the LNCS paper formatting guidelines.
  4. Regular (research, practice, or position) papers can be up to 12 pages long including figures, references, and any appendices.
  5. Tools papers can be up to 10 pages long including figures, references and any appendices.
    • Note: Authors of accepted tools papers will be expected to give a demonstration of the tool(s) at the workshop, i.e., no screenshots.
  6. Submit your paper electronically via EasyChair by May 22, 2015 May 29, 2015 June 3, 2015.
    • Note: After logging into EasyChair, select New Submission .
    • Then, be sure to select the track Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems to submit a paper to this workshop.


Workshop Chairs

  • Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA
  • Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK
  • Ganesh Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA

Program Committee (Login)

  • Robin Bloomfield, City University, UK
  • Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France
  • Richard Hawkins, University of York, UK
  • David Higham, Delphi Diesel Systems, UK
  • Michael Holloway, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
  • Paul Jones, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
  • Tim Kelly, University of York, UK
  • Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan
  • John Knight, University of Virginia, USA
  • Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia
  • Roger Rivett, Jaguar Land Rover, UK
  • Christel Seguin, ONERA, France
  • Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK
  • Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan
  • Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada
  • Sean White, Health and Social Care Information Centre, UK

Past Workshop

Contact Us

Contact the Organizers

If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2015 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.

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